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Welcome to the DuLaney For City Council website! As I enter the second year of my four-year term, I am committed to serving all Shakopee residents. Here are my key priorities and how I plan to address them:

Reasonable and Stable Property Taxes

  • Balanced Revenue: Ensuring all forms of revenue are appropriate and balanced.
  • Structural Budget: Maintaining a structurally balanced budget without relying on one-time funds for ongoing operations.
  • Tax Base Expansion: Growing the commercial and industrial property tax base to reduce the tax burden on households.
  • Debt Management: Minimizing long-term debt obligations.
  • Value for Taxes: Ensuring residents receive good value for their tax dollars.

Resident-Centered Services

  • Service Prioritization: Aligning budget priorities with the services and service levels that residents value most.
  • Collaborative Services: Exploring shared services with other governmental entities to provide high-quality services at lower costs.
  • Public/Private Partnerships: Identifying opportunities for partnerships with private companies to offset city costs.
  • Department Accountability: Challenging departments to demonstrate the effectiveness and value of their expenditures, ensuring they positively impact residents’ lives.

Public Safety and Infrastructure

  • Safety Reporting: Regularly reporting on safety outcomes to monitor trends in criminal activity.
  • Response Times: Ensuring public safety response times are appropriate.
  • Community Safety: Making sure residents feel safe in their community.

Transparency and Accessibility

  • Open Communication: Being open, honest, and available to all Shakopee residents.

Thank you for visiting, and I look forward to working together to make Shakopee an even better place to live! 

What are some of my city council additional duties?

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Paid for By James DuLaney, Jr.
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